BAXTER The super secret organization C.H.E.E.S.E. has called in it's best agent in an effort to cope with one of the most fiendish plots for world-enslavement ever hatched. Aliens from Mars have taken the five scient- ists working on project Timeslip. They have developed the first fully-functional time travel unit and C.H.E.E.S.E. wants it back. From the little information the organization has gathered, it appears that the aliens have used this time machine to establish bases throughout history. They are planning an invasion of not just the Earth, But all of the Earth's history. The sickening part is that the aliens have removed the brains of the scientists and taken them into the past also. It has been theorized that this provides easier access to the scientist's knowledge, with little chance of escape. That's the theory, but the boys in C.H.E.E.S.E. research are a bit twisted. Taking an experimental Laser gun from the organization's armorer Cubed, Baxter travels to the woods on the outskirts of the city. There are many underground passages and caves in this area and the locals have reported strange lights in the night sky.